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to Holy Family Parish!


Holy Family is a parish rich in Italian tradition, founded in 1909. We continue both the "Italian" with our weekly Sunday Italian Mass and interaction with Italian Clubs, and the "tradition" especially in the Liturgy, providing both the Tridentine liturgy and the new liturgy in Latin language. Italians love our parish, and very many non-Italians love it and participate as well. The building is outstanding for its art and architecture.

News, Announcements and Upcoming Events

Join us for a cooked breakfast after our Sunday first-of-the-month Tridentine Mass. We invite breakfastees to consider a free-will donation. 


You may enjoy the splendid musical program at St. Joseph's Shrine (Click here), not far from our parish.



We have had many requests to post the Christmas raffle winners on-line, which we gladly do. (Last names are not stated to protect the privacy of personal information on line.) Congratulations, winners! And thank you EVERYONE who participated in the raffle, and by doing so have supported our parish and its important mission. Thanks also to those who donated these items to be raffled!


Gino & Pauline V., $500 Piston tickets
Sara M., $500 Piston tickets
Dominic & Paola P., $200 Da Francesco dinner
Antonino M., $100 Andiamos dinner
Peter & Josephine S., Da Luigi dinner



   +  9:30am Sunday Latin Masses will be in the manner of the Tridentine Mass (sometimes called TLM, that is, using the 1962 Missal, with preaching in English)

   + Italian Masses, when they come from the various Italian Societies, Clubs, and so on, are all the Paul VI Missal and Lectionary in Italian, but the preaching is mostly in English


  • Wed., March 5, Ash Wednesday. 11:30 confessions, 12n Mass with imposition of ashes. Ashes only distributed at Mass.

  • Fridays of Lent: 12:30pm, Adoration and Stations of the Cross

  • Sun., March 2, First Sunday cooked breakfast, followed by Faith and Culture Conference

  • Sun., March 16, Society of St. Joseph (Società di San Giuseppe Lavoratore) 11:30am Italian Mass

  • Sun., Apr. 6, First Sunday cooked breakfast, followed by Faith and Culture Conference

  • Sun., Apr. 13, Palm Sunday of the Passion of our Lord

  • Thu. Apr. 17, Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper and 0:30 adoration, starts at 7pm

  • Fri., April 18, Good Friday. 1:30 Stations of the Cross. 2pm Confessions available. 2:40 rosary. 3pm celebration of the Passion of our Lord

  • Sat., April 19, Easter Vigil Mass 8:30pm.


Pastor: Rev. Paul Ward

641 Chrysler Drive

Detroit MI, 48226


Office   313-963-2046 

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